The hash board cannot be repaired in the following cases:
Corrosion/oxidation: Product is corroded or oxidized partially or completely.
What does corroded hashboard looks like?
Here are some picture:
What if I already sent back corroded hashboard for repair?
Firstly, according to Goldshell after-sale terms, corrosion is not covered by warranty. Therefore, we may charge for repair cost even if your miner is still under warranty. Secondly, please aware that even after our best efforts, the repaired hashboard may still be prone to corrosion and be broken again. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the longevity of the repaired board and we are not responsible for any damages or losses incurred by corroded hashboards that break again after repair. Thirdly, we will inform you if any corrosion is found on your hashboard when it is being repaired.
Burnt board
Board with a large burnt area or a board that has been severely burned.
Contact us to learn more about this.
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